Privacy Policy

Personal Data Controller and Data Processor

Data Controller: YouWalk-UOS


YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim collects, uses, and is responsible for certain personal information about users in order to provide its services through the platform and its services (app), either directly or through third parties. When we do so, we are regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation that applies throughout the UK, European Union and we are responsible as "controllers" of such personal information for the purposes of those laws. Protecting personal data is of the utmost concern for YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim. Below, we explain what information we collect and how it is used.

Data collection

YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim collects and stores any information that you voluntarily and explicitly provide through our services or that you provide to us in any other way using our services. Personal data is freely provided by the user, while usage data is collected automatically during the use of the website and/or app, also through permissions enabled on the user's device. If not otherwise specified, all required data are mandatory (indicated by an asterisk). If you refuse to provide them, it may be impossible to use the Service offered by YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim. In cases where some data are indicated as optional, users are free to refrain from providing the data, but this may affect the use of some services, limiting the functionality of the applications. In order to use our services with all the features, the user must first register, and during registration he must provide his e-mail address and choose a username. Additionally, you may choose to voluntarily add additional information to your profile, such as your first name, last name, a profile photo, and links to your personal social media profiles and website.

Information you provide to us

We collect information that you as a user voluntarily and explicitly provide about yourself. For example, you share information directly with us when you create an account (email address and username) and voluntarily add your name, surname, a profile photo, biography, and other information, as well as links to your social media and website profiles. You provide mapping content or other content through our services, participate in projects, comment on or flag content posted by other users, participate in a challenge, download content (such as a research dataset), send messages, request support, comment on content, or otherwise communicate with us. The types of information we may collect about you include your name, email address, account credentials, profile picture, profile biography, and any other information you choose to provide.

Information we collect automatically when you use our services

When you access or use our services, we automatically collect certain information about you, including:

Device and activity information: We collect information about how you access our services, including information about the device and network you use, such as hardware model, operating system version, mobile network, IP address, unique identifiers device, browser type and app version. We also collect information about your activity on our services, such as the time and date you accessed our services, the content you have uploaded and all related information, pages viewed, and links clicked.

Location Information: based on the permissions set on your device, we may collect information about your device's precise location and movement. You can stop collecting precise location information at any time.

Information stored: we may access the information that you have stored on your mobile device through our mobile applications in accordance with the permission settings you have set on your mobile device. For example, with your permission, we may access photos or videos from your mobile device's photo gallery.

Collect information through cookies and similar tracking technologies: we (and our service providers) use tracking technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect information about you. For more information about cookies and how to disable them, please see our Cookie Policy.

Information we collect from other sources

We obtain information from third-party sources. For example, log data such as IP address, operating system, browser type, and cookies are also collected for system administration and monitoring purposes, particularly to combat SPAM or malware. These are statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns. We will use this data anonymously to improve and evaluate our range of services.

When using location-based services, YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim collects and processes information about the location of the receiving device. This is used in particular to improve and personalize our service.

Purpose of the processing of the collected data

User data is collected to allow the Data Controller to provide their Services, comply with legal obligations, respond to requests or executive actions, protect their rights and interests (or those of users or third parties), detect fraudulent or malicious activities, as well as for the following purposes: registration and authentication, contact management, sending messages and notifications, location-based interactions, content preferences and commenting, interaction with social networks and external platforms, access to third-party service accounts, user database management, tag management, hosting and backend infrastructure, application and infrastructure protection, security and monitoring, traffic optimization and distribution, permissions for accessing personal data on the user's device, protection against SPAM, advertising, remarketing and behavioural targeting, platform and hosting services, statistics and analysis, display of content from external platforms

The use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by this application or by the third-party service providers used by this application, unless otherwise specified, is to provide the service requested by the user, as well as for the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy.

We will also use personal data to:

Information sharing

We share information about you in the following circumstances or as otherwise described in this policy.

YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim shares information with vendors, service providers, and affiliates that provide services for us, such as companies that assist us with web hosting, data annotation and processing, email delivery, and customer service. Such sharing occurs between YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim and our current and future parent, affiliate, and subsidiary companies and other companies under common control and ownership.

We share information if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law or legal process, including legitimate requests by public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We share information if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements or policies, or if we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, property, and safety of YouWalk-UOS and YouWalk-YouReclaim or others. 

We also share aggregated and anonymized information that cannot reasonably be used to identify the user. We share information, upon request, with the user-administrator who can use it in accordance with the aforementioned privacy policy. To obtain further detailed information on data sharing the user can refer to the relevant sections on the website

Place of data storage

The user's personal data will be stored on servers located within the (London) UK. Your personal data may be transferred to a country other than the one in which you are located. To obtain further information on the place of processing, the User can refer to the section relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data. Third party services will be handled by Google/ Amazon/ Mongo DB (services subject to change).

The user has the right to obtain information regarding the legal basis for the transfer of Data outside the UK or to an international organization governed by public international law or constituted by two or more countries, such as for example the EU, as well as regarding the security measures adopted by the Data Controller to protect the data.

The User can check whether one of the transfers described above takes place by examining the section relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data or request information from the Data Controller by contacting him at the details indicated at the beginning.

Storage period

The Data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.Personal Data collected for purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until such interest is satisfied. When the treatment is based on the User's consent, the Owner can keep the Personal Data for longer until said consent is revoked. Furthermore, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority.

At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, upon expiry of this term, the right of access, cancellation, rectification, and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised. The images uploaded in the library will be stored in the server (AWS) and will be available for user assessment while using the application. The images uploaded by the user will be user responsibility.

User rights

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a user you have the right to:

For questions regarding the collection, processing or use of personal data, disclosure, correction, blocking or deletion of data please contact:

Keep your personal information safe

We have adequate security measures in place to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized manner. We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulators of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Cookies Policy

This document contains information about the technologies that allow this Application to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies - defined as "Tracking Tools" - allow the Owner to collect and save information (for example through the use of Cookies) or to use resources (for example by running a script) on the User's device when the latter interacts with this Application. Some of the purposes for which Tracking Tools are used may also require the User's consent. If consent is given, it can be freely revoked at any time by following the instructions contained in this document.

This Application uses Trackers managed directly by the Owner (commonly called "first-party" Trackers) and Trackers that enable services provided by third parties (commonly called "third-party" Trackers). Unless otherwise specified herein, such third parties have access to their respective Trackers. Duration and expiry of Cookies and other similar Tracking Tools may vary depending on what is set by the Owner or by each third-party provider. Some of them expire at the end of the User's browsing session.

In addition to what is specified in the description of each of the categories below, Users can obtain more detailed and updated information on the duration, as well as any other relevant information - such as the presence of other Trackers - in the privacy policies of the respective third-party providers (via the links made available) or by contacting the Data Controller.

Activities strictly necessary to ensure the functioning of this Application and the provision of the Service

This Application uses Cookies commonly called "technicians" or other similar Tracking Tools to carry out activities strictly necessary to ensure the functioning or provision of the Service.

Simple interactions and functionality

This Application uses Tracking Tools to allow simple interactions and activate features that allow Users to access certain resources of the Service and simplify communication with the Owner.