Relevant Research

Our free innovative mobile applications are underpinned by our earlier research on user-centric assessment processes and walking tour procedures

Forthcoming in 2024

A. M. Salama and M. P. Patil

Forthcoming in 2024

A. M. Salama and M. P. Patil

Pansare, P., & Salama, A. M. (In press-2023). Urban Form as a Driver for Inclusivity in Public Open Spaces: A Case from Glasgow. In M. Mostafa,

R. Baumeister, M. R. Thomsen, & M. Tamke (Eds.), Design for Climate Adaptation: UIA World Congress of Architects Copenhagen 2023. Springer.

MacLean, L. and Salama, A. M (2021), Assessing the Quality of Urban Life in Three Neighborhoods, Lilongwe, Malawi. ICE Urban Design and Planning,  Volume 174, Issue 3, pp. 86-101,

Vukovic, T., M. Salama, A. M., Mitrovic, B. and Devetakovic, M. (2021), Assessing Public Open Spaces in Belgrade – A Quality of Urban Life Perspective. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 505-523, 

Remali, A. M., Salama, A. M., Wiedmann, F. (2019), Migration and Urbanism in Glasgow: The Spatial Impact of South Asian Communities, Open House International, Volume 44, Issue 3, pp. 45-54,

Salama, A. M., Remali, A. M., and MacLean, L. A. (2017), Deciphering Urban Life: A Multi-Layered Investigation of St. Enoch Square, Glasgow City Centre. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 137-156, 

Salama, A. M., Remali, A. M., and MacLean, L. A. (2017), Characterisation and Systematic Assessment of Urban Open Spaces in Glasgow City Centre. Spatium, Volume 37, Issue June 2017, pp. 22-33, 10.2298/SPAT1737022S 

Salama, A. M. and Wiedmann, F. (2016), Perceiving Urban Liveability in an Emerging Migrant City. ICE Urban Design and Planning, Volume 169, Issue 6, pp. 268–278, 

Salama, A. M. and Azzali, S. (2015), Examining Attributes of Urban Open Spaces in Doha. ICE Urban Design and Planning,  Volume168, Issue 2, pp. 75-87, 

Al-Maimani, A., Salama, A. M. and Fadli, F. (2014), Exploring Socio-spatial Aspects of Traditional Souqs: The Case of Souq Mutrah, Oman. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 50-65. 

Salama, A. M. and Wiedmann, F. (2013), The Production of Urban Qualities in the Emerging City of Doha: Urban Space Diversity as a Case for Investigating the ‘Lived Space, Archnet-IJAR–International Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 160-172. 

Salama, A. M., Khalfani, F., Al-Maimani, A. (2013), Experiential Assessment of Urban Open Spaces in Doha, Open House International, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 47-57,

Salama, A. M., Al-Maimani, A., Khalfani, F. (2013), Understanding Inhabitants’ Spatial Experience of the City of Doha through Cognitive Mapping, Open House International, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 37-46,